What’s the Story? The Director Meets Their Screenplay:

An Essential Guide for Directors and Writer-Directors

Focal Press/Routledge

You have conversations with yourself in coffee shops and hotels and put those conversations onto the page. Before long you find yourself with the book you wanted to write and realize this inner interlocution is to be made to all. Today this is happening. With huge thanks to the 450 or so directors in my classes over my years at AFI Conservatory, and to the filmmakers of other disciplines I was lucky to get to know, I'm proud to say today is publication day in the US and UK for my book What's the story? The Director Meets Their Screenplay. These pages are a tribute to all of you. Something I could never of done without our work together, work that continues with the filmmakers attending my current classes and consultations. Onto the next book now but meanwhile I hope this snippet from today’s offering whets your appetite…,aps,202&sr=8-1

Peter Markham