My Approach as a Filmmaking Educator
From my February newsletter
My two books for the fiimmaker
Every so often I like to stand back and reiterate what I offer in filmmaking education, how I believe it differs from much of what else is out there and why it yields benefits to directors and other filmmakers from around the world, whatever their sensibility, approach, or genre leanings.
Here is some of what I make every effort to provide:
Human interaction. Online sessions are LIVE—but recorded so you can watch later as well.
One-on-one consultations, thoroughly prepped.
Questions, exploration, discovery.
Support in finding your filmmaking self. No one-size-fits-all instruction. “THERE IS NO MANUAL.” (Martin Scorsese).
Exploring the nature of story, storytelling, the language of the screen.
No conflation of creative filmmaking with careers advice, industry talk, production procedures.
No AI.
Specific examples, forensically analyzed, to illustrate concepts vital to the filmmaker.
Topics not covered elsewhere.
References to the arts and philosophy but…
Emphasis on the filmmaker’s imperative of practicality.
Centrality of: Mischief. Magic. Mystery.
Centrality of: Intuition. Instinct.
Belief in, passion for, devotion to Cinema.
Above all, I am receptive to your questions, comments, thoughts, and contributing insights.
Please email me if you’d like further clarification.
Peter Markham
February 2025